June Campus Update
On Sunday, June 30th, we celebrated Day of Prayer & Giving. Thank you to all the individuals and churches who lifted up the prayer requests from our staff and residents. We are grateful to all our donors who contributed to the repair and maintenance projects/capital improvements here on campus. We are blessed by your prayers, giving, and support. We will have our final numbers from the Day of Prayer & Giving in the August Telegram.

In June, Wheeler Church of Christ from Midland, Michigan came to work on campus with 12 youth and 5 chaperons. They stayed overnight in Homes 3 and 4. The group completed many projects on campus including painting sheds, weeding, repairing sidewalks and drywall, replacing screens in School windows, organizing clothes for Annual Day, painting rooms in Home 6, and removing staples and spackling the walls in the school. The residents and staff enjoyed lunch together and played volleyball and 9-square. On Saturday afternoon, residents joined the youth group at Zao Island for some fun and later had dinner at Chick-fil-A.
Our residents had the opportunity to go on a field trip to Michigan City Zoo. The girls were so excited to feed the goats and see the animals. After the zoo, they enjoyed lunch. It was a great day of fun and laughter. In the next month, we will have a youth group on campus from Naperville Church of Christ. We are excited to have the kids here to work and interact with our residents and staff. What a blessing they are to Shults-Lewis! We are very grateful.

May Campus Update
May was a busy month with the production and mailing of the May Telegram and the Day of Prayer & Giving Letter. This year, Day of Prayer and Giving will be held on June 30, 2024. On this day, we ask individuals and churches to lift up prayer requests for our staff and residents. As we thank God for our many blessings, we recognize how He has blessed us with donors who care.
We also have some repair and maintenance projects to undertake and items to purchase for campus. Some of these include new windows for the Hospitality House, new used car, handicap-accessible deck, repair of front steps to Administration Building and the entrance to Home 7, and new grills. If you are interested in making a donation, please write “Day of Prayer & Giving” in the memo of the check.

In May, we were blessed with a youth group from East Hill Church of Christ in York, Nebraska. We had 11 youths and 4 chaperones on campus. The youth group completed many projects on campus including mulching, weeding, trimming bushes, painting the fence around the horse pasture, painting shutters on Home 7, and building a raised garden bed. The residents and staff enjoyed lunch with the group and played volleyball. On Friday night, the residents saw the movie “If” with East Hill Church of Christ Youth Group. Everyone had a great time!
On Tuesday, May 28th, we celebrated the graduation of one of our residents, Syiann, from high school. This remarkable young lady worked hard to complete her courses and graduate high school at the age of 16. Family, friends and staff attended this momentous ceremony and enjoyed lunch and fellowship together. We wish Syiann all the best as she continues her schooling in college. In the next two months, we will be having youth groups on campus from Wheeler Road Church of Christ and Naperville Church of Christ. We are excited to have the kids here to work and interact with our residents and staff. What a blessing they are to Shults-Lewis! We are very grateful.

April Campus Update
In April, we were blessed with a youth group from DeMotte Christian School (Selah Outreach). We had 35 freshman students and several chaperones on campus. The students completed many projects on campus including cleaning homes, mulching, weeding, organizing the boy’s and girls’ clothing rooms, laying pavers outside Home 3, organizing the rummage sale, and painting the horse fence. The residents and staff enjoyed lunch and dinner with the students and enjoyed games, basketball, and volleyball. On the last night, we were invited to s’mores and a bonfire with the Selah Outreach group. New friendships were formed, and the residents hope to become pen pals with the students from DeMotte Christian School. Our kids are excited about getting mail.
On April 21st, Johnnie visited Memorial Parkway Church of Christ in Frankfort, Indiana. She gave a PowerPoint presentation and answered questions from members of the congregation about the work at Shults-Lewis. It was a great time of worship, food, and fellowship.
On April 28th, Johnnie, Sarah, and I traveled to Springbrook Hills Church of Christ in Dewitt, Michigan. Jeff Murray preached a message entitled “Are you ready for God?” I presented a PowerPoint presentation about the services we provide. We also answered questions about our program. It was wonderful to form new relationships with members. Thank you for the fresh rhubarb you sent for our house parents!
In the next three months, we will be having youth groups on campus from East Hill Church of Christ, Wheeler Road Church of Christ, and Naperville Church of Christ. We are excited to have the kids here to work and interact with our residents and staff. What a blessing they are to Shults-Lewis! We are very grateful. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. You can reach me at 219-462-0513 ext. 103.
March Campus Update
What an amazing month the development team experienced on the Phone Campaign Trail! A big shout out to all our donors and volunteers who graciously gave their time, financial support and prayers. Thank you to the following churches that partnered with us during the 2024 Phone Campaign: Waterford Church of Christ, West Chicago Church of Christ, LaPorte Church of Christ, Wheatfield Church of Christ, Naperville Church of Christ, Northwest Church of Christ, LaGrange Church of Christ and Park Forest Church of Christ. We are in the process of finalizing our numbers for the Phone Campaign and will have this information available in the next Telegram.

The residents enjoyed time off this week for Spring Break. Some of our kids had the opportunity to go home for visits with their families. Thank you to Cub Scout Pack 995 and Currant Road Church of Christ for making Easter baskets for the kids. The kids were ecstatic to receive the baskets. We are never too old to enjoy Easter baskets. Thank you for thinking of our kids.
As we celebrate Easter, we remember Jesus’s death on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins and his resurrection from the dead. Our kids learn Jesus’s teachings at school during daily devotions, at Bible Study on Wednesday nights, and Bible Study and Worship Services on Sunday mornings. At Shults-Lewis, we are planting the seeds in each of these kids daily with the hope that these seeds will grow and each child will one day have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 3:6-9)

In the next four months, we will be having youth groups on campus from DeMotte Christian School, East Hill Church of Christ, Wheeler Road Church of Christ and Naperville Church of Christ. We are excited to have the kids here to work and interact with our residents and staff. What a blessing they are to Shults-Lewis!
February Campus Update

On February 11, we visited Clay City Church of Christ. We attended worship services and Johnnie gave a Powerpoint presentation. In the foyer, we had a display table with information. We enjoyed fellowship with their members and a soup potluck. On February 25, we visited Naperville Church of Christ where we attended Bible Study and worship services. Johnnie gave a short presentation and discussed the 2024 Phone Campaign. What a privilege it was to meet so many members of both congregations.

Our students enjoyed a field trip to Inman’s Bowling & Recreation Center this month. It was great to have some fun bowling, playing arcade games and going to Chick-fil-A. Our math teacher, Daryl Evans, continued to amaze us with his strikes. He was our most experienced bowler.

In February, we also said goodbye to our relief houseparent, Jessie Banks. We celebrated with cupcakes and ice cream. We are so grateful for her service with the kids and wish her all the best in retirement. She was so kind giving each team member a scripture bookmark with our name on it.
February kicked off the beginning of the 2024 Phone Campaign. I am thrilled to share that we have raised almost $50,000 for this year’s Phone Campaign. Our donors are such a blessing! Our goal for this year is $190,000. The expenses to provide treatment services exceed the cost of just a group home. In March, we will be traveling to host churches for the Phone Campaign. Our team is excited to meet with volunteers as we raise money for the kids at Shults-Lewis. Donors may contact us at 219-462-0513 to make a pledge. Donations may be made by check and mailed or by credit card on our website at www.shultslewis.org. There is a 3.5% service charge for credit cards. Thanks again for taking this journey with us as we continue to serve kids who face trauma.