June, my favorite month, flew by so quickly! We started the month with Chalk the Walk. This a community event where we use chalk to design a portion of the sidewalk. It is an awesome time to interact with the businesses and people of Valparaiso. And not to brag, but my awesome Development Team does such a great job coloring in our square, that through three weeks of rain, you could still see the Shults-Lewis logo on the sidewalk. How fun!!

We welcomed a group from Naperville, Illinois. This was the youth group’s first mission trip to Shults-Lewis. We loved spending time with them and appreciate all the work they put into making our campus look amazing!
A group from Whiteland, Indiana, made their annual visit to campus. Not only did they work hard, but their congregation sponsored a night out of pizza and a movie. Our kids enjoyed seeing Toy Story 4. We are so grateful for this group and all they do for us!
We held our Annual Golf Tournament in June, raising over $25,000! That is an increase over the last few year’s tournaments. The weather was perfect and we always love seeing our golfers!

We are excited to announce that we have three new employees! Jon O’Keefe is the new Director of Program Services. His wife, Marci, has taken the position of school secretary. And Jenn Swartz has joined the social service staff as the social services secretary. We are so thankful for the new staff members and are looking forward to working with them! Come meet them on Annual Day (Saturday, September 21st).
On the back of this letter, you’ll see some info on Box Tops. Box Tops are going digital. All Box Tops that are physically on products can still be cut out and sent in. However, they are phasing the physical ones out and are going to be using the Box Top app. It’s simple to use. Download the app, create an account and designate us as your school, and then you’ll just scan your receipts, and we’ll “instantly” receive the Box Tops. Box Tops fund our field trips and are used for necessary school equipment. We appreciate you participating in this program.
Other ways you can help besides Box Tops….using smile.amazon.com when shopping amazon…sending us your used ink & toner cartridges….send us your old cell phones…ask your company about Matching Gifts…Some companies require employees to give through United Way, but did you know that you can designate us as the recipient of those funds?
I hope you never tire of me saying it because I mean it, THANK YOU! You are the reason our ministry continues to thrive. Thank you for serving alongside of us!
For the children,
Beth Frump
Beth Frump, Director of Development