August Campus Update

“Let them eat cake!” Well, in this instance, it was pie. Mmm, mmm, good! Our residents have been working all summer in their cooking class making all sorts of good food. Our school staff has been teaching the kids the “ins and outs” of how to cook. Every so often, the rest of the staff would get to reap the benefits and partake in the different goodies they created. My favorite was pie day! It was announced that the kids were going to be making desserts in class and they needed us to pick which one we wanted from a list and it would be delivered. The choices were sugar cream pie, blueberry cream pie, red/white/blue layer cake, and apple pie with carmel drizzle. Even though this was a hard choice for some, I immediately ordered a piece of the blueberry cream pie.
As we all settled in to our work day, we set aside the idea of pie. Then, what a treat when the whole class and teachers waltzed through the Administration Building holding trays of prewrapped pie, wearing their aprons and gloves! The staff waited patiently in their doorways for the kids to give them their selected item. I felt like a kid at Christmas because my office was at the very end of the hallway and I had to wait my turn. J
Finally, the kids made their way to my office and I saw my beautiful piece of blueberry cream pie sitting in the middle of the tray. The kids were all smiles to see how excited we were. They laughed as I tore open the saran wrap and stuck my finger in the middle of my pie for a quick taste.

Why am I telling you this? First, I used to be a houseparent for many years and I knew that even the smallest things are important in the eyes of a child. Whether they are 17 or 12, these kids are sponges for positive feedback on things they have accomplished. I wanted them to know I cared.
Second, I wanted you to know that all of us here at Shults-Lewis are safe and having as much fun with the kids as we can, in any way that we can, to help them stay focused on their goals and accomplishments before they move on to the next chapter of their lives.
So, please keep the kids and our staff in your prayers as we get ready to move on to our Fall Semester. Thank you for your support, your prayers, and your love.
For the kids,
Lissa Baldwin Development Director
Faith. Family. Future.