August Campus Update
I was having one of those days where I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. The “To Do” list seemed too long, the day too short. The meetings were eating my day and I just couldn’t find a moment to even think. It was at that moment I looked up and read one of my favorite verses, “Be Still and Know that I AM” (Psalm 46:10) and so I did. I went outside and sat down on a picnic table and just took some time away from it all.
As I did, I began to look around our beautiful campus! Have you been to campus? If not, COME TO CAMPUS. But there I sat on newly painted picnic table (thank you, Wheeler Road Youth Group), looked at the castle that Florissant Youth Group created for our goats, and simply enjoyed how amazing our campus looked (thank you, Plymouth).
July was BUSY! We had amazing youth groups and chaperones who truly worked tirelessly on every task we placed before them with no complaints, including mucking the goat barn! Besides all of the hard work, we played 9-Squre and Left Right Center, enjoyed the No Fun Color Run, bonfires with S’mores, played Ping-Pong, shared many meals, Oreos, and ice cream, and simply enjoyed being with our family.
We had two kids successfully complete our program and move on. We are so proud of them and their accomplishments. We are already hearing back from them about how they are doing and so far, they are doing great! Continue to pray for them as they will both be entering school this month and that can be a difficult transition for our kids.

It should be on your calendar to come visit us on our Open House, we call it Annual Day, on Saturday, September 21st. While you are welcome any time, this is a perfect opportunity to see campus, enjoy some amazing entertainment and eat some of the best food you will ever taste! Come see me!
Thank you for being a part of this ministry! Thank you for ALL you do for the kids, their families, and the staff of Shults-Lewis. We are blessed!
For the kids,
Beth Frump, Director of Development