April Campus Update

Wow! March came and went so fast due to the Development Team working on the Phone Campaign. We knew this year would be difficult for our churches to be able to find enough volunteers willing to venture out to make phone calls, but they managed and they did an excellent job. Development would like to thank all of you who volunteered to make phone calls for the kids. We also want to thank all you wonderful donors for making pledges!! The Phone Campaign brought in over $140,000 in pledges and the numbers are growing as we are still contacting people that we were unable to reach in March. That is amazing!!
Now that we are back in the office and are bringing the Phone Campaign to a close, we are able to focus on the next events in store for this year. We are planning Day of Prayer and Giving which will be set for June 27th. We will send out our prayer packets to your congregations so we all can pray for the kids, the staff, and this ministry TOGETHER on the same day.
We missed you all last year and we can’t wait to see you SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH. We may have less people show up or we could be bombarded but no matter what, we are so excited to fellowship with all of you on that day. Be ready for the biggest rummage sale yet!! So, if you are tired of being couped up in the house, come on out to Shults-Lewis and enjoy a day where we gather together outside under the tents to raise funds for this ministry. We hope to see you there!

The staff & kids at